Author’s Note: Not so long ago, US writer Nancy Levant wrote and published an article at the website entitled "The Devastation of American Women" to which a feedback-letter appearing below was sent. The letter makes a link between the so-called "civil rights" of the 1960s and 1970s in the United States, and the devastation of women by that fallacy. It is hoped that you will enjoy reading the letter to Nancy.
The Devastation of Women Through Mass Media Brainwashing
Dear Nancy:
The decision to write you is the result of my own experience after reading your article "The Cultural Devastation of American Women." I would imagine that each person feels and reacts differently after reading something and that happens, it seems, according to how one may think or understood what was read. In my case, reading your article on such an important subject made me think in depth how this system has degraded women in general to the point of almost destroying them completely, by using the elite-controlled mass media and other forms of mind manipulation, used by the power elite for their own one-world-government plans.
You wrote that "feminism was born during the sexual revolution" which was, in my opinion, the beginning of women's nature devastation in contemporary times. I don't know if you are old enough to be from the 1960s and 1970s generation but I am. I was in my early 20s when the so-called "sexual revolution" became to be known in the ways you have told us readers in your article. At that time, the use of drugs --which were introduced into communities by the FBI and CIA-- became widespread and so was the fallacy known as "civil rights" also introduced via television into the mind of the drugged youth of that generation. The elite-controlled mass media (mainly television) played a leading role following their decision to "integrate" blacks into this social and economic system, and the most prominent feature of the whole hoax was to push for the social-sexual relations between black men and white women. Within the context of the enormous lie created artificially by the mass media, a "burden" was placed on white women and young girls to "get it on" with blacks as part of the "integration" process which started during late summer of 1969 in the United States. I remember this very vividly. Every since and up to present times, the bankers mass media hasn't got tired yet from sending subtle messages pushing for interracial relationships, as a policy intended to distract the minds from focusing on the real problems affecting all people. So once again, the elite gangsters used women as sexual objects and a convenient tool according to plans and interests related to their new-world-order fascist designs now in advanced stages. Considering this fact, the so-called "civil rights movement" was and still is one of the biggest hoaxes in the history of the United States, and there is evidence available to corroborate this assertion. For those who know the truth, it is not a secret that the so-called "civil rights" sham was created and financed by Jews in the power elite structure that own and control the mass media in the United States, in particular, network television. The Jewish even created and funded "civil rights" organisations such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909, while using William Edward Burghardt Du Bois as a figurehead to make believe that he was the actual founder. The "civil rights" concept was developed on the basis of a document written by a Zionist Jew whose name was Israel Cohen. The document entitled "A Racial Program for the 20th Century" states in part the following:
"We must realise that our most powerful weapon is racial tension. By pounding into the mind and consciousness of the negro race that for many centuries whites have oppressed them, we can mould them to our program. The terms colonialism and imperialism must be included in our propaganda. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the negro minority against whites, we will endeavour to instil in whites a guilty complex for enslaving negros. We will raise the negro to prominence in the world of sports, entertainment and professions; with the high prestige we will create for them, negros will be able to intermarry with whites and thus begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."
What did the power elite had to gain by creating and financing the "civil rights" and the "integration" of blacks into the bankers-owned capitalist system? In the 1960s while blacks were still the largest non-white ethnic community in the United States, the Jewish power elite saw them as vital allies for the advancement of their one-world-government agenda. There were those of us who witnessed the development of the so-called "civil rights" and knew correctly that it would only contribute to the destruction of democracy along with the devastation of women, but failed to recognize due to our lack of knowledge and experience, the true source of its hidden power; only few understood that the "civil rights" industry was an outgrowth of the same powers that financed and propelled the Russian revolution, planned and financed the past two world wars, and created Israel at the expense and lives of the Palestinian people. We were too young then to see the evil lurking behind the "civil rights" stupid charade.
Israel Cohen, the Jewish Zionist author of the document "A Racial Program for the 20th Century," begins his writings by stating that "our most powerful weapon is racial tension" and it was racism (supposedly) where "civil rights" had its roots. Some "leaders" of the "civil rights" industry such as the so-called "Doctor Martin Luther King" whose real name was Michael King and who was neither a "Doctor" nor a "Reverend," wielded racism as an effective weapon against whites who felt guilty, including women, as a result of the severe mass media brainwashing. In reality, King was a conscious pawn of the Jewish ruling elite, who fooled whites as well as his people for his own selfish benefit and the interests of the bankers for whom he worked. This is the reason why he is recognised with a national holiday in the US.
In the 1960s we were still rather naive and didn't know much about mind control through network television as we do now. The highly sophisticated subtleness used by the mass media to send messages to the brain resulted in the surrender of white women and young girls to blacks, after they were "told" on television that it would be "racist" if they didn't do it. This powerful sex tool became a very convenient method to achieve psychological manipulation for the advancement of the elite's diabolical fascist plan to establish a one-world-government nowadays in advanced stages. Women were told lies on television and were devastated by having been used as sexual objects for the benefit of the elite, while using black "leaders" willing to please them according to Israel Cohen's blue print for "civil rights." The brain washing also included the degradation and racist segregation of Mexicans and other Native Americans in the Jewish elite mass media. The blacks in general were very pleased with this racist policy.
The black "leaders" of the so-called "civil rights" of the 1960s and 1970s such as the charlatan and sexual degenerate Michael King, knew very well that they were serving the interest of the Jewish power elite in their one-world-government sinister agenda. To those who know the truth, it is not a secret that the whole "civil rights" lie was a ruling class sponsored project that has thrived throughout the past 40 years, having achieved the duping of a whole generation who has become useful idiots while still as sleep. The black "leaders" of the so-called "civil rights movement" not only betrayed their own people but also the whole of society, by allowing themselves to become pawns of the ruling oligarchs in their one-world-government fascist plans. Today, more than four decades later after the "civil rights" hoax, black servants of the elite such as Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice and others, have held or hold high positions in government they could have only obtained with the elite's approval, as a reward for the service to their fascist agenda against all Americans and the world.
Some writers have described the role of blacks like Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice as typical "house niggers" who obediently execute the orders given by their white masters.
Thanks for reading. I look forward to read your up coming book.
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