Editor's Note: The article below was found at www.outlawjournalism.com and later edited to meet the standards of The Truth. Some corrections in spelling and paragraph composition were made. The article was chosen because it is in line with the publishing policy of The Truth.
The zombie followers of Barack Obama and the hell that awaits the people
I want to make it clear that I have absolutely no interest in politics and do not care who the president is. Politics are not real and presidents do not run countries as too many still think. The United States (US) is run by the same occult cabal that runs the whole planet operating behind the scenes through shadow organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and others calling themselfs "non-governmental organizations." The political charade is a theatre with a scripted drama played out for zombie public consumption. The "president" of the US is in reality a mere administrator or manager who implements policies designed at sinister organizations on behalf of the elite. The "elections" is part of the play to make zombies believe they have "power" to decide who will "represent" them when in reality, who will become "president" is decided long before the "elections" actually begin according to the interest of the elite. Barack Obama is not an exception and the color of his skin has nothing to do with these facts. In the US, no one --white or black-- becomes "president" without the elite's approval.
It was figured out hundreds of years ago that only the people would stage violent revolutions when living under an oppressive government, so the elite gave them the "right to vote" thereby convincing them that they had a say in the matter, and that if the government was evil and corrupt it was their fault. The fact still is that there is not a single event in the history of the world where anything was ever changed by "voting." This writing is not exactly about Barack Obama; it is more about the idiotic mindset of his followers and how they are going to follow their "leader" through the path towards their own demise as a people of this betrayed country.
The black George Bush
I don't go out much but before the "election" I was at a night club in downtown Columbus, Ohio with friends and noticed a guy at the table wearing an Obama t-shirt and asked him if it was supposed to be a joke. He told me it wasn't. I then asked him what was his reasoning for supporting Barack Obama to which he responded by saying "we need a change" rather than forming his own response. I told him that Obama was publicly supporting the continuation of war in Iraq, and that he also supported the idea of attacking Iran, Syria and Pakistan. To this he said that Iran had nuclear weapons and asked me if I wanted to get nuked. Then I asked him if he was aware of the fact that the US had killed more than a third of the population in that country --including thousands of innocent children-- to which he answered by saying: "well, that was the third of terrorist that wanted to kill Americans." He got up and walked away. This was my first time in direct confrontation with a zombie. Poor idiots like this guy are exactly the same as those who follow and supported nazi George Bush; they don't really care about anything real other than romantic images downloaded directly into their brains by the elite-controlled mass media. If the reader would recall, when Bush was campaigning for office he was presented by the controlled mass media and the Christian propaganda machine, as a man ordained by Christ to rescue us from our collapsing morality and bring about the rapture. However, when the real truth emerged and we all learned that he was a war-mongering madman, that he was employing nazi-type of methods of social engineering and rapid government expansion in conjunction with corporate fascism, and turning this country into an Orwellian surveillance-type of police state, the zombies continued to support him in his diabolic hitlerian agenda against the people of this country. Under the banner of conservatism and the so-called "war on terror" he was able to exponentialize the national debt while inflation exploded and even triple the size of evey federal institution. Meanwhile, Barack Obama is now being presented as a "champion of the people" ordained by the right-wing intelligentsia to rescue us from Christian idealism, and lead us into a humanist utopia. But when you look closer into his plan it is really impossible to distinguish a difference from the one George Bush implemented throughout his period of eight years as an elite obedient puppet. Barack Obama will be and do the same, only in a different style.
When humans lived in tribes their leaders was one of them and it was known that the leader had the best interest of the tribe in mind and was followed without question. This part of human nature is exploited very easily by professionals who understand very well the way our minds function according to the social, economic and political system in which we live. In politics, when one is presented as "one of us" it is our natural inclination to follow him/her. This is pure psychological manipulation at a basic, primitive and emotional level, while most victims don't even know who Zbigniew Brzezinski is, what he does, and what he stands for; these victims of mental manipulation have never heard of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Brookings Institute, and other organizations that represent only the interest of the elite. They have no conception of the real history of the US with regards to Native Americans, the Middle East and other parts of the world. Most of these zombies were raised on mass media television, Hollywood movies, and the public "education" system. We must admit that they are utterly defenseless and vulnerable; all they know in their ignorance is that when they see and hear Barack Obama on prime time television it makes them feel warm and comfortable, chant slogans, and relish in obtusely vague terms like "yes we can," "change," "hope," and others. With smiles on their faces they are ready to follow this supposed "leader" into whatever direction he takes them.
Where is all going
Allow me to state it once again: Politics are not real. No matter what emotional rhetoric is fed to the masses, the elite's agenda will push forward by any means they may deem necessary. The plan will not skip a beat throught its course as the torch is passed on from Bush to Obama. And you can expect to see it rapidly accelerate. Bush did his job on behalf of the elite by starting a war against the Islam and "legally" removed almost all of our Constitutional rights through an endless wave of liberty crushing legislation, laid the groundwork for the North American Union (NAU) and almost collapsed the world economy.
At this point people's brains have been so heavily saturated with mass media propaganda, the great majority actually believe there are a bunch of blood-thirsty Muslims hiding in the bushes outside their homes ready to kill them. The zombies supporting Obama to become "president," are perfectly in tune with the idea of continuing the criminal war in Iraq, starting another one in Afghanistan, and invading other countries as part of the bankers agenda to control the planet through a one world government. The zombies are part of the problem. Though it could not be done under Bush, the "compulsory universal service" legislation will be passed under Obama as some type of communistic facade calling for "the greater good where everyone would have to pitch in." The well-known hard core Zionist Rahm Emanuel falsely claims that he wants the program to be applied only to those between the ages of 18 to 25, but in reality the plan is a carbon copy of the former Soviet Union program whereby everyone from High School up through middle age, will have to be linked to the military in some capacity. The original bill was introduced to Congress by Trilateral Commission member Charles Rangle, who called for all citizens between 18 to 40 years of age to serve at least two years in the military including women. Some form of this will be necessary in their plans for the new wars that "change" Obama will get us into. The ostensible premise for the wars will alter slightly though it will still be protecting the US, defending Zionist Israel, and speading "freedom" while the mongering fear will be downplayed and there will be more of an attempt to make the conquest efforts seem somehow "humanitarian" in nature. This is part of the "change" Barack Obama promised. You can expect this to be brilliantly marketed in the mass media with heavy reliance on the angle: "Muslims oppress women and homosexuals and we have to save them." This is a very easy sell to the Obama artificial cult created by the elie-controlled mass media. Meanwhile, "free" speech will continue to be eroded which is easy to do under the banner of so-called liberalism; with fancy talk on "hate speech" and "conservative propaganda" they will be able to ram through the fairness doctrine which will subject all publications, radio broadcastings, and Internet websites to content regulation. They will also be able to push through the hate laws Ted Pike has been rattling on about for the last decade, which will make it illegal to talk about Israel committing crimes, and make law the secular-humanist doctrine that Christianity and Islam are "religions of hate." Additionally, the so-called "security and prosperity partnership" will complete its transformation into the North American Union (NAU) under the Obama administration destroying thereby the US as we know it now; illegal immigration from everywhere will continue unabated as we are further "integrated" into the hellish "global village."
These are also part of the "change" promised by Obama. No folks, Obama is not going to tax the rich to feed you. After reading this far, you could do some search on who funded Obama's campaign if you have any doubts on these statements. The reality is: the rich will continue to suck our blood right here in the "home of the brave." The economy may be temporarily propped up for a short period of time to fix the "change" illusion in zombie's minds, but only to fall again to the point where we are going to be standing in very long lines holding ration cards as our only food source.
I can't tell you exactly how all the cataclysms are going to play out but we are dealing with all the same possibilities we have been dealing with for the last eight years and very rapidly approaching crunch time. With a smiling new face of a whole different color watching over us and whispering sweet nothings through the television screen, hell is coming with quickness. There could be another staged "terrorist" attack or a man-made virus released to trigger martial law and/or a big war. Israel could attack Iran and force us to aid our "ally" in a scenario where gas prices would shoot up to seven dollars, causing riots followed by martial law and mass arrests of people to be taken to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) concentration camps. They could also keep playing things slow until the NAU is solidified and then let loose the real chaos. There are a dozen other possibilities and there really isn't any reason to speculate. The elite rulers of the world are holding all the cards in the game and with a public pacified by the smiling face of their new "leader" they are going to make their long waited irreversible move. So hold on tight because it is going to get worse before it gets better. In the end the meek shall inherit the earth and those of us who come through hell are going to make our own future. Be ready and keep in mind that only armed people can make real change.
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